10 Self-Care Practices to Find Your Inner Serenity

When you're busy, it's easy to put your own needs on the back burner – but self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. You deserve to feel your best, and the best way to do that is by prioritizing your own self-care. In doing so, you can embody the best version of yourself, which will allow you to show up in a greater way for others.

There are plenty of simple self-care practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. Whether it's taking a few moments to meditate or breathe deeply, going for a leisurely walk, practicing yoga, enjoying your favorite hobby, or treating yourself to a relaxing bath – these small acts of self-care can make a huge difference in your stress levels and overall happiness.

Read on for some of our favorite ways to practice self-care:


1. Meditate to Clear Your Mind

Incorporating meditation and/or breathwork into your routine is a beautiful way to de-stress and reconnect with your mind & body. By nurturing your ability to connect and lovingly witness the spaces within yourself, you’ll become more familiar with them and develop the ability to stay in that space throughout the rest of your day.

If you’re short on time, a meditation practice can be as simple as focusing on your breath for a few moments. It can even be incorporated into other practices, such as walking in nature, driving, or eating breakfast. Simply slow down, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to be present with the moment.

Pro Tip: If maintaining focus during meditation is a challenge, consider creating a soothing atmosphere by lighting a scented candle. Place it in front of you and center your attention on the gentle flicker of the flame. Every time your mind wanders, bring it back to the candle and your meditation practice.

You can even use an app for additional guidance:

Meditation Apps: Insight Timer, Balance, Waking Up, Calm, or Headspace Breathwork Apps: Breathwrk, Open, Othership, Oak, Balance, iBreathe


2. Do Something Good for Others

It's important to recognize that spreading positivity and kindness can be a powerful form of self-care in itself. Helping others is a powerful way to boost your mood, and small acts of kindness, like writing a thank you note, paying for a stranger's coffee, or donating to your favorite charity, not only enhance your own well-being but also contribute to creating a more compassionate and positive world.

Remember that self-care isn't just about taking care of yourself; it's also about fostering connections, spreading joy, and making the world a better place—one kind gesture at a time.


3. Treat Yourself to a Spa Day or a Luxurious Bath

While acts of kindness and inner reflection are invaluable aspects of self-care, it's equally important to promote balance and healing with treatments like massages, facials, and nourishing body treatments.

At Serenity Spa, our mission has always been to empower you to find your inner serenity – to create balance and healing in all aspects of your life. All of our services will support you in recharging your mind and body, reducing stress, and enhancing your overall well-being.

Pro Tip: Looking to indulge from the comfort of your own home? While self-care goes beyond bubble baths, sometimes, they're exactly what you need. Take time out of your busy schedule to relax. Consider indulging in a bath with scented bath salts. It's a fantastic way to relieve tension and unwind.


4. Allow Yourself to Say “No”

Saying "no" isn't a sign of weakness; it's a crucial aspect of self-care. Prioritize projects and events that bring you joy and fulfillment. Avoid spreading yourself too thin, as it can take a toll on your mental health. Remember, it's okay to decline when it's not in your best interest.


5. Start a Gratitude Journal

One simple way to improve your mindset is by starting a gratitude journal. Before bedtime, jot down three things you're grateful for from your day. These can be as simple as your morning coffee or a friendly interaction. This practice helps cultivate a positive mindset, reduces stress, and promotes better sleep.


6. Make Time for What You Love

No matter how small, make time every week for something you love. Whether it's reading, dancing, baking, or something else, prioritizing this kind of self-care in your schedule is essential. Guard this time fiercely (you can even add it to your calendar!) and watch your well-being improve.

The more that you actively work self-care into your schedule, the more you’ll be able to grow, feel more positive and improve your wellbeing.


7. Be Kind to Yourself

Nobody is perfect. It's crucial to speak kindly to yourself, and forgive yourself for your mistakes. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, focus on learning and improving. Self-love and self-forgiveness are powerful steps toward personal growth.

Pro-Tip: Start each day with positive affirmations. These affirmations can help build self-love, confidence, and a positive outlook. Even if you don't believe them initially, repeating them can reshape your mindset and banish negative thoughts.

Some affirmations you can tell yourself include:

  • I can do this

  • I am enough

  • I am worthy of love and joy

  • I choose hope over fear

  • I believe in myself

  • I am grateful for my body and all it is capable of


8. Get Outdoors and Be Active

Spending time outdoors reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and enhances mindfulness. Make it a habit to spend at least 20 minutes a day outdoors, engaging in activities you enjoy. Exercise also releases feel-good endorphins, making it a valuable part of your self-care routine.


9. Unplug or Practice a Digital Detox

In today's digital age, constant connectivity can be overwhelming. Allocate periods of time for a digital detox and mindful unplugging. Turn off your devices, step away from social media, and resist the urge to check emails for a set duration. Use this time to reconnect with the physical world around you. You might take a leisurely walk in nature, engage in face-to-face conversations with loved ones, or simply enjoy moments of solitude with a good book. Disconnecting from screens can help reduce stress, improve focus, and allow you to be present in the moment, ultimately contributing to your overall well-being.


10. Remind Yourself: It’s Okay to Not be Okay

We all experience challenging days and periods, so it's crucial not to be overly critical of yourself. You don't have to be positive 24/7. In reality, it's entirely acceptable not to feel your best all the time. If you find yourself having a tough day, there's no need to chastise yourself. Instead, grant yourself permission to acknowledge and experience your emotions. Reach out to others if you're not feeling well, and seek out self-care techniques that can assist you in navigating whatever is arising, with compassion and understanding.



Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's an investment in maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional well-being and becoming the best version of yourself. Whichever self-care activities you choose, remember to be kind to yourself. Start today and embrace the journey to a happier, healthier you.